
Authentic Kenyan Cuisine

We have to take pride in our own! At BZ, we celebrate Kenyan delicacies in their aromas and taste.


Unparalleled Service

Our aim is to replicate the feeling of comfort & security you get as you walk into your home.


You envision it, We bring it to life

Consider our facility a blank canvas where you can assert the vision for your event. Events:


Swimming & Kids Activities

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Our Services
Hotel Facilities
Pick Up & Drop

We’ll pick up from airport while you comfy on your ride, mus nellentesque habitant.

Parking Space

Fusce tincidunt nis ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant.

Room Service

Room tincidunt nis ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant.

Swimming Pool

Swimming pool tincidunt nise ace park norttito sit space, mus nellentesque habitant.

Fibre Internet

Wifi tincidunt nis ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant.


Eat tincidunt nisa ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant

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